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Save the Date for Giving Day!

Dear FeU Friend,

You’ve taken our classes, explored new learning, made new friends and connections. You’re the backbone of Fe University–a thriving community of curious friends, students and teachers. You’re the reason for FeU, a unique life-long learning program for seniors that keeps growing.

Now, we are asking for your help and the generosity of our community to bring in critical funds so that we can continue to offer the courses that matter to you.

Please consider making a donation on our third-annual Giving Day, June 15. You’ll provide essential support for FeU and our mission.

Next year is our 10th anniversary, so we’re counting on you to help us reach our goal of $10,000. Our board members have already gotten us partway there by generously contributing a combined total of $2,500.

As a gesture of appreciation, we’ll send an FeU tote bag to anyone who donates over $250. And if you make a gift of $500 or more, you’ll be a sponsor of an upcoming class!

We are grateful for gifts of all amounts. Your gift makes possible:

  • High-quality, meaningful classes
  • Top-notch instructors from the Northwoods and around the country
  • Affordable, accessible courses
  • Community connections in our rural area (and online!)

Thank you for your commitment to FeU. We’re so excited for what’s to come. Please save the date for Giving Day, June 15, 2023.


Warm regards,

Callie Bates

Fe University Executive Assistant

Thank you to our board for their generous donation! (Not pictured: Rich Pegg, Joe Lemke, Bob Kary and Paul Sturgul.)