- This class has passed.
May 6, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
$30.00 – $35.00
This class will take place May 6, 13, 20 and 27, 10:00a.m.-Noon, at the Mercer Public Library.*
*Please note that the May 13 class will be held at the Community Center.
Beginning Songwriting for those who never thought they could, not in a million years!
…for the pre-beginner – no background or experience on an instrument
…for adults who’d like to break the rules and trespass in another areas entirely
…for those who feel they have no business taking this course
Together we will learn to tap into personal resources that have been lying dormant, lying in wait for us to form our original rhythms, melodies, and lyrics. Teacher-led facilitated class input will lead to one window opening after the next.
If you’ve read this far please believe me, THIS IS DOABLE FOR YOU.
We will learn to ‘hear’ sounds in our heads, hearts, and imaginations. For example, the beauty of our precious Northwoods give us plenty of sounds, sights, and even aromas with which to get inspired: there are limitless ways to open our minds to being creative.
Even your spoken NAME has a rhythm to it! In previous “Doing Music from the Inside Out” FeU classes students have used percussion instruments to create little ‘tunes’ by combining the ‘sound’ of participants’ names in creative ways. There’s been delight seeing how simply something can be made from (almost) nothing!
Most of the work (read:joy) we do in Songwriting will be collaborative, meaning you won’t feel alone and helpless. We will set out together to find inspiration by exploring a number of ways of getting a song started:
What comes first, music or lyrics?
How do I make a note of what I’ve created so I don’t forget?
Is Rusty serious? I don’t have to be able to read/write music???!!!
And if you do have a “musical background”….the whole approach to this class is being musical creativity – not notes, scales, theory, etc. Come and be liberated from your musical pedagogy!
Curiosity – preferably childlike, even reckless!
This offering requires no previous musical training! And we won’t read music either!
Option of bringing any instrument in playing condition from which sounds can be prodded
Various instruments provided in class – no skills required
Paper/writing tool esp pencil w/erasure
We may explore some phone apps to support our creativity
Online keyboard/guitar – available in class as free download
Instructor: Rusty Wulff
Offline Registration: Download PDF Registration Form, complete and mail in with payment.
Registration Questions? Contact us or call (715) 892-3982 or (715) 476-2881.
Registration Issues/Troubleshooting: If you are registering with one email address for two or more people, please register each person individually (i.e. do not register all at once, but add students one at a time to checkout). If you continue to have difficulty or have another question, please contact us.