Fe University Mission Statement
The mission of Fe University is to provide quality, college-level learning experiences for adults ages 50 and older through diverse short courses and lectures. We provide opportunities for people to discover the joy of lifelong learning at its best without the pressure of tests, grades, or educational requirements. It is an inspiring educational program that keeps seniors living healthier and learning longer.
At Fe University, curiosity never retires.

Current Board Members
President: Wendy Thiede
Treasurer: Roxanne Lutgen
Secretary: Macy Washow
Regular Board Members:
Joan Hauer
Bob Kary
Joseph Lemke
Vic Ouimette
Chris Paulik
Bob Traczyk
Our History
What is Fe University and how did it evolve?
It’s no secret that Iron County’s aging population is increasing, expected to reach 39% of the total by 2040. To assess the needs of this demographic, the first Creating Aging Friendly Communities Summit was held in July 2013. At that event, community leaders were asked to analyze the county’s readiness to support an aging demographic and to prioritize next steps to advance the county toward aging friendliness. By the end of the day and in a subsequent survey of residents, mental engagement and social connection surfaced as primary needs for maintaining mental health.
To address this need, the family living educator of the Iron County UW-Extension and a group of senior volunteers developed the idea of a non-accredited “college” for seniors. This committee organized the program of short duration, low-cost classes and received a start-up grant from UW-Extension. The first class was offered in Mercer in the summer of 2014, a writing seminar, which culminated with a collection of essays published in a book, Collected Narratives.
Since that first class, over 100 classes taught locally by 50 qualified instructors have served over 500 students. Students enjoy learning with old and new friends in the community, and teachers like the idea that students enroll in their classes because they are curious and thirsty for knowledge, not because they need college credits. A small stipend is paid to instructors funded by grants and nominal student tuition fees. Scholarships are always available.
In February 2017, Fe University became an independent nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3), operated by a volunteer board and committee.
For more information
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